The Beatitudes: They show what sort of person God wants us to be
Who does Jesus say is blessed?
persecuted - suffer for doing whats right
peacemakers - people who try to solve conflicts between people
hunger and thirst for righteousness - want to do Gods will
Jesus also taught how to understand Gods law, he also added some different ideas too on ther sermon on the Mount:
Do not murder - Dont even be angry or insult them, try to forgive and mend broken relationships
Do not commit adultery - If a married person looks at another person lustfully, they are guilty of adultery at heart
Divorce is allowed - Allowed only on grounds of "sexual immortality", anyone who divorce and remarries is commiting adultery with new partner - they are not really married at all
Love your neighbour - You must also love enemies and pray for people who persecute you
Jesus also taught how to relate to other people:
"love your enemies" show love to people you like and dont like
"giving to charity" dont give money to charity to show off, give it secretly
"forgiveness" forgive others if you want God to forgive you
"judging others" dont judge others as we all sin, God will judge you more harshly if you judge others
What did Jesus teach about prayer?
Pray in simple words and talk to God like a father