Stuff I've learned during projects

Cards (15)

  • How to get the value of current time in the following format 'Thu Sep 28 14:04:16 2023'?
  • What form does time.time() take:
    seconds since January 1st 1970
  • What is the epoch of time for Python?
    January 1st 1970
  • 3 forms of control of order of executed code:
  • In coding, sequence is when code is executed from top to bottom. This is what occurs without any while/for statements (iteration), or if/elif/else statements (selection)
  • Slicing is not inclusive of the last value in the formula such as [1:3] giving values 1 and 2
  • To ensure non-random randomness seeds can be used, seeds are usually the randomly generated number that python can use to generate random values, if you set the seed then you can guarantee the random values.
  • Casting is changing the type of a variable
  • What is a CLI?
    command line interface that allows for basic input and output as ascii strings
  • Libraries help save time and resources by reusing code
  • Modules are libraries
  • Matplotlib is used to draw mathematical functions in python
  • A library is a pre-written set of code that can be reused across programs
  • Subroutines are small pieces of code that you can write, that should do a single thing
  • len(), upper(), and int() are all examples of standard library subroutines