Nervous system, subdeck

Cards (22)

  • What does nervous system allow
    It allows different parts of the body work toghether and respond to changes in environment
  • What are receptors
    Cells which detect changes in the environment
  • What is stimulus
    A change in enviroment
  • What are multiple changes in the environment
  • What are sensory neurones
    Cells which recieve information about different stimuli from receptors
  • Neurones carry information around the body how do they do this 

    They carry information as electrical impulses
  • The CNS receives and processes information about different stimili

    The central nervous system is made up of brain and spinal cord
  • What information is given to CNS by stimilus
    About different stimili
  • How does CNS get information about different stimilus so it can respond and send impulses
    Through sensory neurones
  • What does the impulses from CNS travel through
    Motor neurones to reach effectors
  • If effector are muscles how do they respond

    By contracting to cause movement
  • If effector are glands how do they respond

    By releasing hormones
  • What does relay neurone do
    Carry impulses within CNS and connect motor and sensory neurone toghether
  • What does motor neurone do

    Carry impulses from CNS to effectors
  • What does basic structure of neurone contain
    • Nucleus
    • Axon
    • Fatty mylin sheath
    • Dendrons
    • Nerve ending
  • Why neurones have axon(long fibre)
    To carry electrical impulses across long distances
  • Why is axon insulated by fatty myelin sheath
    So information isn't lost
  • Why do neurones have dendrons(tiny branches)
    To receive impulses from other neurones
  • What is a synapse
    Tiny gap between neurones
  • What can't cross synapse
    Electrical impulses
  • What are the chemicals neurotransmitters for
    To carry information across synapse
  • How is electrical impulse passed along synapse
    1. When an electrical impulse reaches a synapse it causes neurotransmitter chemicals to be released.
    2. These chemicals diffuse across the synapse.
    3. They then bind to receptors on the other neurone.
    4. This stimulates an electrical impulse in the other neurone.