psychodynamic approach

    Cards (101)

    • when did this approach emerge 

    • what are the key assumptions of the psychodynamic approach
      behaviour is determined by early childhood experiences
      behaviour is also influenced by things in the unconscious mind
      behaviour is motivated by instinctive urges, sex and aggression
    • what did Freud believe about the mind
      believed that it was like an iceberg and most contents are beneath the surface
    • what are the 3 “ levels “ of the mind 

    • what can the pre conscious mind do 

      access both
      it is capable of becoming positive
    • what is the role of the unconscious
      store biological drives, instincts, thoughts and memories that are seen as unacceptable , disturbing and unpleasant
    • what happens to theee things in the unconscious mind
      such things are repressed
    • what are a couple of the biological drives
      sex drive ( libido )
      hunger drive
    • what are we unconsciously motivated to do to these urges
      satisfy them
    • what will the need to satisfy these drives influence 

      our behaviour and personality
    • what does Freud think to the structure of personality 

      it has 3 components
    • what are these 3 components called
    • what is the id
      a mass of our inherited biological drives e. g. libido
    • is the ID the only innate part of our personalities 

    • what does it mean if you have something that’s innate
      your born with it
    • what principle does the ID operate on
      pleasure principle
    • what is the ID driven by 

      basic selfish desires that demand to be immediately satisfied
    • what is the problem with this
      it is entirely ur ration and doesn’t accept that gratifying some impulses is innapropriate
    • what is the main function of the ID
      drives us to satisfy urges that are selfish
    • what is the id known as 

      the devil
    • what is the superego
      internalised sense of right and wrong
    • when does the superego develop 

      4 - 5 years old
    • what does the superego strive to do 

      uphold moral standards
    • what are the main functions of the superego
      keep moral norms
      attempts to control ID with feelings of guilt
      learning right from wrong
    • why does superego develop at sround the age of 5 

      child gains experience of reward and punishment from parents
    • what is the superego referred to as 

      the angel
    • what does the ego do 

      balance ID and superego
      acts rationally
    • when does the ego develop
      around the ages of 2 normally but can be up to 4
    • what does the ego use to mediate the ID and super ego
      logic and planning
    • what does the ego act according to 

      the reality principle
    • what is the ego often referred to as
    • how does the ego use logic and planning to mediate
      considers demands of id and moral standards of superego to achieve an acceptable solution to obtaining pleasure
    • what happens with the id and the ego in most situations 

      it will suggest opposing responses
    • what can happen if the id overpowers the ego and is allowed to dominate 

      results in psychotic disorders
    • what does it result in is the superego is allowed to dominate 

      results in neurotic disorders
    • what are psychotic disorders characterised by
      a loss of grip on reality
    • what are neurotic disorders characterised by
      anxiety and guilt
    • what’s an example of a psychotic disorder
    • what is an example of a neurotic disorder
    • what is a defence mechanism
      unconscious strategies that are triggered when an individual is faced with a situation that they are unable to deal with