Obedience to Situational Variables

Cards (8)

  • What are the 3 situational variable?
    • Proximity
    • Location
    • Uniform
  • What was the obedience rate in the baseline study?

    In the original study, the teacher and learner were in adjoining rooms so that the teacher could hear the learner but not see him. 65%
  • What was the Obedience rate in the first variation for proximity?

    When the teacher and learner were in the same room. This was because the teacher could experience the pain being inflicted on the learner. 40%
  • What was the Obedience rate in the second variation for proximity?

    Teacher had learners hand onto an ‘electroshock plate’ when he refused to answer a question. 30%
  • What was the Obedience rate in the third variation for proximity?

    The experimenter left the room and gave instructions via telephone. (Remote instruction) Majority defied experimenter, some pretended to give shocks or weaker shocks. No physical authority figure present = less pressure. 20.5%
  • What was the obedience rate for the variation for location?

    Change of location from university to run down building. The experimentor had less authority. 47.5%
  • What was the obedience rate for the variation of uniform?

    In original baseline study the experimenter wore a grey lab coat as a symbol of authority. Called away because of an inconvenient phone call. Role of ‘experimenter’ was taken over by an ordinary member of the public (a confederate) dressed in everyday clothes. 20%
  • What were Bickman’s findings in relation to uniform?
    • People were twice as likely to obey the security guard than the jacket and tie.
    • This supports Milgram’s conclusion that a uniform conveys the authority of its wearer and its a situational factor likely to produce obedience.