key words 8

Cards (8)

  • carbon sequestration
    any process which removes carbon dioxide from the atmosphere
    -> afforestation
  • feedback mechanism
    a process where an action has consequences which affect the original action
  • peat bog
    a wetland area with an accumulation of dead plant material, especially moss
  • permafrost
    a layer of soil in which the water is permanently frozen, often trapping bubbles of gases e.g methane
  • ploughing
    the cultivation of the soil by turning over the surface layer
  • tied ridging
    a method of reducing soil erosion by creating a grid of raised ridges to collect rainfall
    -> increases filtration, reduces runoff
  • tillage
    the cultivation by turning the soil
    e.g ploughing
  • Universal soil loss equation (USLE)
    a formula that can be used to calculate rates of soil erosion