Disrupted attachment - Bowlby's MDH

Cards (12)

  • What did Bowlby produce after reviewing the mental health of homeless children in post-war Europe?
    The maternal deprivation hypothesis.
  • What is the maternal deprivation hypothesis?
    The MDH states that infants who are deprived of their mother during the critical period (0-30 months) experience harmful effects on social-emotional, intellectual and physical development.
  • What are the effects of deprivation of the mother on social-emotional, intellectual and physical aspects of infants?
    • Social-emotional = depression (DP), delinquency (DL), affectionless psychopathy (AP)
    • Intellectual = reduced IQ
    • Physical = Developmental dwarfism
  • Who's study supported the MDH?
  • What did Goldfarb do?
    Compared 2 groups of infants in an orphanage. One group of 15 stayed in orphanage for only a few months, then fostered. Other group remained in orphanage until 2-3 years old. At age 12, children in 2 groups tested for IQ. Scores for orphanage group significantly lower than for the fostered group. Also, social & emotional problems observed more often in orphanage group.
  • What is affectionless psychopathy?
    Affectionless psychopathy is characterised by a disregard for feelings of others - e.g. not experiencing guilt or remorse for actions that harm/upset others. Prevents development of normal social relationships.
  • What was the aim of Bowlby's '44 thieves' study?
    To test maternal deprivation hypothesis, in particular early deprivation and affectionless psychopathy.
  • How did Bowlby carry out the '44 thieves' study?
    He interviewed boys and their families, aged 15-16, who attended a clinic where he worked. He compared the backgrounds of 44 juvenile thieves with 44 non-delinquent children.
  • What were the findings of Bowlby's '44 thieves' study?
    • 17 / 44 thieves diagnosed by Bowlby as having affectionless psychopathy
    • 15 / 17 of these had had experienced separation for at least one week before the age of 5
    • Only 4% of control group had experienced early separations, and none of them were diagnosed with affectionless psychopathy
  • What conclusions did Bowlby have after the '44 thieves' study?
    Separations in early life lead to long term ill effects, particularly adversely affecting emotional development. Bowlby concluded there was a link between maternal deprivation and affectionless psychopathy.
  • What was the positive of the '44 thieves' study?
    He used a control group so he could rule out extraneous variables and know for certain his results are at least for the majority due to maternal deprivation.
  • What are the negative evaluation points of the '44 thieves' study?
    • Didn't distinguish deprivation from separation i.e. a week probably wouldn't lead to maternal deprivation
    • Gender-biased (only boys)
    • Retrospective - memories of early life may be inaccurate
    • Small sample - lacked representativeness & therefore generalisability
    • Correlational - can't prove cause and effect
    • 2 children in delinquent found to be affectionless but had not experienced separation. Suggests other explanations.
    • Other researchers have tried and failed to replicate his findings