hemispheric lateralisation

    Cards (11)

    • lateralisation
      some functions of the brain are more dominant in one hemisphere than the other
    • what connects the two hemispheres
      corpus collosum
    • left hemisphere specialised for
    • right hemisphere specialised for
      facial recognition and navigation
    • who completed split brain studies
    • Sperry brain studies outline
      natural experiment on epileptic patients who had their corpus collosum cut
    • AO3 - differences found
      differences were found between the left and right hemispheres
      • left for speech + language
      • right for visuospatial processing and facial recognition
    • AO3 - lateralisation has been criticised
      suggested that early findings were incorrect or incomplete
      e.g. split brain research suggests that the right hemisphere is unable to handle any language functions but case studies have found this to be untrue
    • AO3 - right hemisphere Turk
      studied patient JW
      developed the capacity to speak using the right hemisphere
      however, no confirmation wether the corpus collosum was completely cut because of no brain scans - residual fibres could still be connecting
    • AO3 - methodological validity 

      no baseline data in the patients mental capacities before the operation
      only subjective data from the patients themselves
      lowers validity
    • AO3 - population validity

      split brain procedure is rarely carried out nowadays