key words 15

Cards (19)

  • acoustic monitoring
    monitoring environmental sounds
    -> e.g to detect the presence of bats
  • beating tray
    a method of sampling invertebrates on the branches of bushes and small trees
  • colonisation media

    a method of demonstrating the presence of species by providing places that they can colonise which can then be checked
  • DAFOR scale
    qualitative scale that judges the abundance of organisms
  • kick sampling
    method of sampling aquatic invertebrates by disturbing the substrate
  • light traps
    method of sampling populations of night-flying organisms that are attracted to lights
    -> eg moths
  • lincoln index
    catch, mark, release + recapture method of estimating animal populations
  • pheromone trap
    trap that attracts organisms using the scent of pheromones
  • pheromone
    chemical released by an organism that changes the behaviour of other members of the same species
  • pitfall traps
    method of sampling populations of mobile animals that live on the soil surface
    -> collects individuals that fall into traps in the ground
  • proxy data
    using data that can be collected to predict the values of a related factor that cannot be measured
    -> eg data on tree rings + coral growth can be used to determine historic climates.
  • quadrat
    an area in which samples are taken
  • remote sensing
    any method of monitoring the features of a location from another location
  • satellite imagery
    collection of images using satellites
    -> visible light + infra-red
  • sonograms
    graph showing the volumes of sounds at different frequencies
  • surber sampler
    method of sampling aquatic invertebrates by distributing the substrate that produces more reliable quantitative data than kick sampling
  • sweep nets
    method of sampling populations of flying insects and invertebrates among vegetation
  • transect
    line or belt of sampling sites across an area
  • tüllgren funnel
    piece of equipment used to extract invertebrates from soil or leaf litter