Sharing personal information or feelings with others.
Self disclosure as a part of the social penetration theory
reciprocal exchange of info - reveal inner self= trust. Superficial info first.
Altman and Taylor
Bredth starts low risk info and works way up. Depenetration when patrtners disengage and prepare to leave.
Halo Effect
Attractive people are treated better, they act nicer, self-fulfilling prophecy.
Matching Hypothesis
Attractive people expect equally attractivepartner and couples matched evenly are happier. Seek similar individuals- in terms of attractiveness. ,May comp due to fear of rejection.
mismatched qualities work
Walster et al
supports matching hyp- higher ranked pps on attractiveness. More likely to take on dates if similar attractivesness.
Filter theory has three parts:
Social dempgraphy, similarity of attitudesand complementarity
AO3 filter theory
lacks temporal validity, social demography doesnt matter anymore- mobile apps.