holism and determinism

Cards (10)

  • holism views behaviour as indivisble breaking behaviour down into small constituent parts seen as problematic as need to focus on the whole person to understand them
  • holism views behaviour as indivisble breaking behaviour down into small constituent parts seen as problematic as need to focus on the whole person to understand them
  • reductionism divides behaviour down into small constituent parts which make up the behaviour
  • biological reductionism explains human behaviour in terms of physiology genetic and hormonal factors
  • environmental reductionism explains human behaviour through stimulus and response
  • interactionism considers how different levels of reductionism can combine and interact
  • parismony using the simplest underlying principles to explain human behaviour
  • holism lack practical application. holistic accounts of human behaviour hard to use as complex practical dilemma . accepting humanistic approach many different factors contribute to depression difficult to know which one is more influential so dont know which one to prioritise in therapy. shows holistic approach lack practical value
  • -reductionism some only stood at higher level. aspects of social behaviour group rather than individual. conformity onky occurs in group situations. interaction between group and behaviour that was important. no conformity gene so conformity can only be explained at a higher level. suggests for some behaviours higher level explanation or holism is more suitable
  • reductionism is the basis of scientific approach. conduct well controlled research need to operationalise variables making it possible to conduct experiments and observations in a way that is objective and reliable. strange situation operationalised component such as seperation anxiety. this scientific approach gives psychology greater credibility