Evolutionary explanations

Cards (20)

  • What do evolutionary explanations of human aggression focus on?
    The adaptive nature of behaviour
  • Why are modern behaviours believed to have evolved according to evolutionary explanations?
    Because they solved challenges faced by our distant ancestors
  • What are some adaptive problems that aggression would have solved for our ancestors?
    Gaining resources, intimidating rivals, and deterring infidelity
  • How does aggression enhance survival and reproductive success according to evolutionary explanations?
    By solving adaptive problems that increase chances of survival and reproduction
  • What is sexual competition in the context of evolutionary explanations of aggression?
    Competition among males for access to females
  • How might aggression be used to eliminate competition in sexual competition?
    Through physical competition against rival males
  • What traits suggest that competition among ancestral males occurred?
    Men have 75% more muscle mass than women and are more aggressive
  • What anthropological evidence supports the idea of aggression among ancestral males?
    Males have thicker jawbones, possibly from fighting
  • What is sexual jealousy in the context of male aggression?
    A response to parental uncertainty regarding offspring
  • Why are men at risk of cuckoldry?
    Because they can never be entirely sure they are the biological fathers
  • What is the adaptive function of sexual jealousy expressed through aggression?
    To deter a mate from sexual infidelity
  • What strategies do males use to keep their mates according to Buss (1988)?
    Violence or threats of violence against perceived rivals
  • Why might men engage in warfare despite its dangers?
    Displays of aggression and bravery are attractive to females
  • What percentage of conflicts in Daly and Wilson's study arose from marital dissatisfaction?
  • What did Daly and Wilson (1988) find regarding murders in relationships?
    Victims were usually killed by their partners
  • What can result from perceived affronts to male status?
    Acts of male-on-male violence
  • How can understanding aggression lead to practical applications?
    • Friends and family can intervene in relationships
    • Early relationship counseling can address jealousy and infidelity
    • Reducing aggression can benefit potential victims
  • What factors might influence aggression aside from evolutionary past?
    Levels of hormones or neurotransmitters
  • What do Buss and Shackelford (1997) suggest about the evolutionary approach to aggression?
    It cannot explain individual differences in responses to infidelity
  • What is the potential benefit of early relationship counseling?
    It could help reduce aggression resulting from jealousy