The idiographic approach aims to provide rich and detailed descriptions of individual behavior, while the nomothetic approach aims to identify general patterns and principles that can be applied to a larger population.
objective data is used for the nomothetic approach to establish general laws done by standardisation for replication. subjective data idiographic approach to provide detailed description of unique individuals
nomothetic loss understanding individual as preoccupied by general laws and prediction. lifetime risk developing sz tells us little about someone who has it. understanding subjective experience useful in developing treatment. means nomothetic lacks application
both approaches fit aims of science. nomothetic approach used in natural sciences establishes objectivity via standardisation. idiographic seeks to objectify methods. triangulation used to compare range pf studies using diff qualitative methods. modern qualitative researchers careful to reflect own biases. both approaches raise psychology status as a science
idiographic approach contributes to nomothetic as uses qual data provides global description of individual. compliments nomothetic approach by shedding light on general laws or challenge them. cases like HM may reveal important insight about normal functioning contributing to overall understanding. suggests research on an individual can contribute to the formation of scientific laws ans principles