ethical implications of research studies and theory

Cards (7)

  • certain groups rely on research related to socially sensitive issues. government looks into research for decisions on healthcare, education, and social welfare. preferably based on scientific research rather than politically motivated. consequently psychologists have an important role to play in providing high quality research on socially senstive sensitive topics
  • Some studies have consequences for the groups behind studied which have been anticipated. investigating the basis of criminality found criminal gene. If innocent people has been convicted due to have a gene, this is a problem. Also so is not having the gene but being responsible, as they don’t she the innate biology to hold them accountable for the crime. therefore research hung these topics need more consideration due to the consequences
  • Aronson argued psychologists have social responsibility to carry out socially sensitive research such research can have benefits can have benefits for the group being studied. consider homosexuality 1952 dsm-1 listed it as sociopathic personality disorder removed in 1973. Important change credited to Kimay reported based off interviews 5000m and 6000f about sexual behaviour. report considered controversial and causes outrage at the same time as it wasn’t talked about
  • consequences apply to all research but some greater than others. LTM pop low consequences for individuals on a societal level. Study on depression consequences wider social population and social policy as personal info revealed which can be accessed through later employer and some findings suggest they may never recover
  • Research consequence: sieber and Stanley phrase may influence finding. kitizinger and coyle relationships form heterosexual bias
  • Dealing with pps: informed consent confidentiality and psychological harm important socially sensitive research such as study on domestic violence can be stressful pps as at start may not fully understand the effect of the research
  • Ways findings are used: researcher consider in advance how finishing are used s giving scientific evidence of existing prejudices