class actions - legal proceeding in which a group of seven or more poeple who have a claim against the same person based on similar facts brings a claim to court in the name of one person
neglience - breach of a duty of care causing harm/loss
duty of care
negligence defences
contributory defence - partial
assumption of risk - complete
contributory negligence - plaintiff contrubuted to harm
assumption of risk - plaintiff accepted the dangers of a known and understood risk
impact of negligence
plaintiff - loss
defendent - reputation
defamation - action of damaging a persons personal/ professional reputation in community through the communication of false statements
statement is defamatory
statement is untrue
statement refers to plaintiff
statement published by defendant
statement caused serious harm to reputation
justification - substantially true
contextual truth - true with context
absolute privledge - statement published in court proceeding
defamation defences
fair report of proceedings of public concern
publication of public doc - for public interest
public interest
honest opinion- commentator
onnicent dissemination - unknowingly
defamation impact
plaintiff - loss of ref
defendant - cost
mediation + conciliation strengths
decisions made by parties
less formal setting
parties assisted by unbias third party
mediation + conciliation weaknesses
one party domination
3rd party have no power to order parties to come to a decision
if no cooperation - waste of time
arbitration strengths
binding decision
private, confidential - avoice publicity
arbitration weaknesses
not as flexible - limited remedies, outcomes
parties have no control over decision
VCAT - provides victorians with a low-cost, accessible, efficient, independent tribunal that delivers high quality duspute resolution
VCAT divisions
human rights
planning + environmental
residential tenancies
CAV - conciliates disputes between consumers + trader, tenents + landlords, about the provision of goods and services and about rental properties
cheaper than court
resolve complaints quickly
websites - freely available
independent3rd party
VCAT + CAV weaknesses
hard to find right services
limited power to make binding decisions
not appropriate for large, complex claims
small jurisdiction
supreme court of appeal
OJ - none
AJ - all lower courts
supreme court of appeal
OJ - unlimited
AJ - on a Q of law from maj court, VCAT
county court
OJ - unlimited
AJ - none
county court
OJ - unlimited
AJ - none
Mag court
OJ - claims >100000
civil juries
in mag court
option in county, supreme court, requesting party pays
remedy - any order made by a court/tribunal ddesigned to address a civil wrong/breach
provides legal solution for applicant for a breach of civil law
remedy - any order made by a court/tribunal ddesigned to address a civil wrong/breach
provides legal solution for applicant for a breach of civil law
to make the point that the defendants conduct is not acceptable
stop harm from happening any further
compensatory damages - amount of money awarded to applicant from harm
special - quanitifiable
general - unquantifable - pain, suffering
aggravated - defendants conduct injured plaintiffs feeling by humiliation, insult
nominal damages - small amonut of money awared to confirm applicants rights have been infringed even though losses are not sustantial
examplarydamages - defendant action so outrageous court wishes to deter others