Modern Ideas about the Causes of Disease

Cards (29)

  • When were viruses discovered?
    At the turn of the century
  • Why were Pasteur and Koch unable to find the cause of some diseases?
    Diseases were caused by viruses too small to see
  • Who investigated the disease killing tobacco plants in 1892?
    Dmitry Ivanovsky
  • What did Ivanovsky find about the cause of mosaic disease?
    It was an extremely small microbe in water
  • What year did Beijernick label the microbes as viruses?
  • How did Beijernick's findings differ from those of bacteria?
    Viruses had different properties than bacteria
  • What was a significant outcome of the discovery of viruses?
    It led to their successful treatment
  • Why can't antibodies destroy viruses?
    Viruses aren't destroyed by antibodies
  • What do antiviral drugs do?
    They prevent a viral infection from growing
  • Who can destroy a virus for good?
    The body's immune system
  • What do genes provide instructions for?
    Human characteristics like sex and hair colour
  • How is DNA inherited?
    Your DNA is a mix of your parents' DNA
  • What is the structure of DNA?
    A double helix that can reproduce itself
  • Who first described the structure of DNA?
    Francis Crick and James Watson
  • What did Watson and Crick's discovery enable other scientists to do?
    Find genes that cause genetic conditions
  • Name three genetic conditions mentioned.
    Cystic fibrosis, haemophilia, sickle-cell anaemia
  • How has knowledge of genetic conditions improved treatment?
    By producing synthetic proteins to treat conditions
  • What is gene therapy used for?
    Treat inherited conditions using faulty gene replication
  • What significant project was completed in 2003?
    The Human Genome Project
  • What did the Human Genome Project identify?
    All the genes in human DNA
  • What are the implications of understanding genetic conditions?
    • Improved diagnosis of genetic diseases
    • Enhanced treatment options, including gene therapy
    • Development of synthetic proteins for faulty genes
  • What lifestyle factors can increase disease risk?
    Diet, exercise, and other lifestyle factors
  • How were lifestyle choices linked to health conditions?
    In the 20th century through scientific research
  • What disease is caused by smoking?
    Lung cancer
  • What does obesity increase the risk of?
    Heart disease and diabetes
  • What disease is caused by excessive alcohol consumption?
    Liver disease
  • What can overexposure to ultraviolet radiation cause?
    Skin cancer
  • What are the causes of disease identified since 1900?
    • Bacterial infections
    • Viral infections
    • Genetic mutations
    • Lifestyle choices
  • Why is disease treatment and prevention complex?
    Multiple causes require targeted treatments