Cards (7)

    • The Treaty of Versailles was too harsh on Germany: taking away land, money (reparations) and weapons, this made Germany angry leading to the rise of Hitler
    • Germany, Italy and Japan were lead by rulers who wanted land and power, they rejected international policies and took over other countries
    • Appeasement was used by Britain and France for Hitlers early acts of aggression (eg remilitarisation of Rhineland) to avoid conflict, however appeasement only encouraged Hitler to keep commiting aggressive action
    • Failures of the League of Nations (eg Abyssinian crisis) caused tensions to rise
    • Great Depression made people poor and in need so they were more likely to listen to bad leaders who promised them a better life
    • Hitler was building up the German military, violated the terms of the Treaty of Versailles, this caused countries to feel fear and insecurity
    • Hitler invasion of Poland in 1939 caused Britain and France to declare war on Germany