Cards (10)

  • What is an infant industry?
    An infant industry is one that is just being established within a country.
  • Why do infant industries need to build up a reputation and customer base?
    To become competitive in the market.
  • What are sunk costs in the context of infant industries?
    Sunk costs are costs that have already been incurred and cannot be recovered.
  • How do sunk costs affect the average cost (AC) for infant industries?
    Sunk costs lead to higher average costs for infant industries.
  • Why are infant industries unable to compete in the international market?
    Because their average costs are higher due to sunk costs.
  • What role does the government play in supporting infant industries?
    The government protects them until they can compete on an equal level.
  • How has the protection of infant industries worked in Japan?
    It has worked well in Japan.
  • What is a general criticism of protecting infant industries?
    It tends to be ineffective as firms grow to be inefficient.
  • What is meant by the government having a poor record of ‘picking winners’?
    It means the government often fails to identify which industries will succeed.
  • What are some alternative methods to support infant industries mentioned in the text?
    Subsidies are mentioned as a more effective method.