Aim: To ensure all animals have all their welfare needs met. Purpose: To make it illegal to mistreat animals.
need for a suitable environment
need for a suitable diet
need to be able to exhibit normal behaviour patterns
need to be housed with, or apart, from other animals
Øneed to be protected from pain, suffering, injury and disease.
•Welfare of Animals (Transport) Order 2006
-Aim: To regulate how animals are transported.
Purpose: To enforce minimum requirements on the transportation of vertebrate animals.
•The Welfare of Animals at Market Order 1993
- Aim: To cover what happens to animals at markets and shows. Purpose: To place responsibility on the market operator for welfare of animals at a market; stricter penalties for those who break the rules.
•The Veterinary Surgeons Act1966
Aim: To regulate vets.
Purpose: Someone can only operate on animals if they are on a register of veterinary surgeons; it has a list of procedures that only vets can perform
•The Welfare of Farmed Animals Regulations 2007
Aim: To implement EU regulations on the welfare of farmed livestock.
Purpose: To ensure that all relevant EU directives on the welfare of farmed animals are met; this law replaces previous regulations for farmed animals
•The Welfare of Animals Regulations 1999 (slaughter or killing)
Aim: To regulate slaughterhouses.
Purpose: To place responsibility on the person in authority tor for welfare of animals at a slaughterhouse; animals not caused undue pain or suffering; licence required to slaughter animals.