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  • yuille + cutshall (1985)

    a = increasing alertness would improve memory for the event
    'fight or flight' response makes individual more aware of situational cues
  • yuille + cutshall (1986)

    p = 21 witnesses of actual gun shooting in vancouver
    13 took part in the study
    interviewed, 4-5 months after incident.
    compared answers to original police interviews, the accuracy determined by the number of details reported in each account.
    asked to rate stress at time of incident on a seven point scale and to report if they had emotional problems since the event (eg sleeplessness)
  • yuille + cutshall (1986)

    f = high stress - 88% accurate recall
    low stress- 75% accurate recall
  • yuille + cutshall (1986)

    c = suggests anxiety doesn't have a detrimental effect on accuracy of eye witness memory in the real world context, and may even enhance it
  • yuille + cutshall (1986) evaluation 

    • natural experiment- less control
    • natural experiment- high ecological validity