Old testament

Cards (7)

  • what does the Old Testament include about sexual ethics?

    teachings are not consistent and are not male-biased and relative to the situation. It may seem acceptable for man to control and dominate his wife. To insist that se be a virgin prior to marriage but a man does not need to be. Occasions where sex is used in ways we know consider to be inappropriate.
  • what are the Old Testament views?
    Sex is created by God as means of procreation (Genesis 1 and 2) forbidden (1 Kings 11:1-13). adultery punished by stoning (Leviticus 20). Levital code, women property of men and socially inferior- women were "unclean" due to blood taboo after childbirth etc.
  • what did Jesus say bout sexual relations?

    Jesus says little about sexual relation, mentions "sexual immortality" once (in Mark 7:21) as "making as unclean from within"
  • what did Paul say?

    Paul sees the body as the Temple of the Holy Spirit, brought back from slavery (1 Cor 6:12-20) Context: shrine prostitutions in Corinthians. He condemns homosexual practices as abomination (Roman 1:21-27), deserving death (He was a Rabbi)
  • what did Augustine say in relation to the fall?

    saw the fall of man as the origin of sexual lust and passion. Before fall: sex was an act of of will (rational) . After the fall, women desired men and they ruled over lust. Sexual shame required modesty and sex was for marriage and should be done out of duty (to procreate) not pleasure.
  • how does dualism come in?
    the body is the seat of wicked desires and passion. "sin of the flesh". the souk had to overcome these temptations. we "do not do what, we want, but the very thing I hate is what I do." the flesh must be "put to death," says Paul. this mortification is the origin of self- flagellation (Da Vinci Code) and is still practiced in Spanish and Italian cities at Lent.
  • what did Aquinas say?

    Sex is for procreation, a primary good. "any act from which its nature generation cannot follow" its wrong. condemns masturbation, homosexual acts and acts where "the natural style of intercourse is not observed". adultery "conflict with right reason," even though natural and break the primary precept of living in society.