types of LTM

Cards (17)

  • how did the types of ltm get discovered
    tulving said the MSM was too simple and the LTM is not a unitary store
  • what are the three types of LTM
  • what is episodic ltm
    events that took place at a specific time
    - a store for personal events eg life events, stories such as an episode from a soap opera, a special birthday or gcse results
  • what is semantic ltm
    factural/meaningful info
    - for our knowledge of the world such as facts which are not time stamped (eg a word definition) or that we don't remember when we learn this information
  • what is procedural ltm
    memory for how to do things (nicknamed muscle memory)
    -store for how we do actions or skills such as riding a bike
    - we are often unconscious of how we do these and find it difficult to describe how we do them
  • evidence for the stores of the ltm
    brain scans, neuro-imaging
    clinical evidence -case studies of individuals
  • how do brain scans prove the multiple stores of LTM
    neuro-imaging can show that different parts of the brain are activated depending on if it is episodic or semantic information
  • what areas of the brain is episodic memory associated with

    the hippocampus and parts of the temporal lobes which are close to the hippocampus
    - some activity also in the frontal lobes

    tulving found that the prefrontal cortex of the right hemisphere is active when recalling episodic memories
  • what areas of the brain is semantic memory associated with

    the temporal lobes

    tulving found that the prefrontal cortex of the left hemisphere is active when recalling semantic memories
  • what areas of the brain is procedural memory associated with

    associated with the cerebellum + motor cortex

    basil ganglia and limbic system are also involved
  • tulvings conclusion for neuro-imaging evidence

    this localisation of function supports the theory of more than one type of LTM which are found in separate parts of the brain
  • what is the clinical evidence/ case study that supports tulvings theory of multiple LTM

    HM and Clive wearing

    HM- mirror drawing
    His skill in a mirror drawing task improved but he could not recall doing the task
    - the improvement showed that he was learning in a procedural way however he could not remember he had done the task as this would use episodic memory

    Clive wearing - playing piano
    he had damage to his STM and therefore his ability to make new episodic memories
    - he could not remember a conversation or reading a news article but his procedural memory was not affected
    - much of his semantic memory was also in tact which suggests there are different types of LTM and it is not a unitary store
  • weaknesses in tulvings evidence for multiple stores of LTM

    population validity
    - case studies are just of two people and do not represent the wider global population

    hard to establish causal relationships between a brain region and type of LTM
    - it is hard to establish which parts of the brain have been damaged until a patient has died
    - damage to a particular area does not mean that that it is responsible for a certain behaviour, it could be a relay station for example

    brain scans do not show us how something occurs
    - they only show us where the activity is, not how the area is interacting with other areas
  • declarative differences between episodic, semantic and procedural memory

    episodic: is declarative
    semantic: is declarative
    procedural: is not declarative
  • time/place encoding differences between episodic, semantic and procedural memory

    episodic: is time/place encoded
    semantic: is not
    procedural: is not
  • resistance to forgetting differences between episodic, semantic and procedural memory

    episodic: less resistant
    semantic: less resistant
    procedural: more resistant
  • location in brain differences between episodic, semantic and procedural memory

    episodic: hippocampus/temporal lobe/right prefrontal cortex
    semantic: temporal lobe/left prefrontal cortex
    procedural: cerebellum/motor cortex/ basal ganglia/ limbic system