way of studying the brain

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  • four ways of studying the brain
    FMRI - functional magnetic resonance imaging
    EEG - electroencephalogram
    ERP - event related potentials
    PME - post mortem examinations
  • what is FMRI
    functional magnetic resonance imaging
  • what is EEG
  • what is ERP
    event related potentials
  • what is PME
    post mortem examinations
  • FMRI description
    like a video showing brain activity as it occurs
    measures the blood flow in the brain
    active areas require more oxygen
  • FMRI evaluation
    :) patterns of activity can be compared rather than just physiology
    :) accurate description of brain activation e.g clive wearing piano
    :( only shows an association
    :( expensive to buy and maintain
    :( requires trained operators
    :( cost per p is high so samples are small leading to less generalisability
  • EEG description
    measures electrical activity in the brain
    electrodes placed on the scalp to detect small charges from the activity of brain cells
    different wave patterns show during different brain activities
  • ERP description
    measures electrical activity in the brain with electrodes on the scalp that show brain wave patterns
    given a stimulus like a photo to see a reaction
  • EEG evaluation
    :) accurate data for activity close to the electrodes
    :) cheap and widely available leading to diagnosis of epilepsy
    :( cant pinpoint source of activity
    :( needs a level of expertise to interpret
  • ERP evaluation
    :) more accurate than self reports
    :( can’t pinpoint
    :) cheap and widely available
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  • post mortem description
    to see where brain damage had occurred and how that might explain behaviour prior to death
    Broca - patient Tan
  • post mortem evaluation
    :) more detailed examination of anatomical and neurochemical aspects of the brain
    :) no discomfort - dead
    :( limited in what info you can gain because tissue may’ve been affected by death
    :( retrospective - can’t follow up on findings - dead