positive evaluation for retrieval failure
has real life application
- could be used to improve recall in places like exams
- abernathys research suggests that if you revise in the room where you sit your exams, you will get context cues and recall better
the cognitive interview/eyewitness testimony
- the cognitive interview uses retrival cues to improve memory by encouraging the witness to mentally recreate both the physical and psychological environment of the incident
-this technique has been found to improve recall of correct info by 34%
can explain interference as a source of forgetting
- tulving showed that retrieval failure is due to an abscence of cues
- recalling lists of words freely of cued
-the more lists a person had to remember the worse their free recall was due to retroactive interferrence BUT
-when participants were given categories, they remembered 70% of words regardless of how many lists they were given
- this shows that info is available but cannot be retrieved which shows that retrieval failure is a more important explanation than interference