Alphabet of Lines

Cards (18)

  • What is a line defined as mathematically?
    An imaginary path of moving points
  • Why are lines important in drafting?
    Lines structure and articulate drawings
  • What are the conventional symbols for lines called?
    The alphabet of lines
  • Why do we study lines in drafting?
    Each type of line has a precise symbolic meaning
  • How does line thickness affect a drawing?
    It expresses contrast and importance
  • What is the purpose of line symbols in engineering and design?
    To express features of designed products clearly and accurately
  • What are the key characteristics of object lines?
    • Thick full line
    • Represents all visible edges of objects
    • Also known as visible lines
  • What defines hidden lines in drafting?
    • Medium short dashed lines
    • Used to represent hidden or unseen edges of objects
  • What is the center line?
    • Thin line with long and short dashes
    • Indicates axis or centers of holes or symmetrical objects
  • What is a dimension line?
    • Thin, fine, dark solid line
    • Terminated by arrowheads at both ends
    • Shows the size of the part of the drawing
  • What is the purpose of an extension line?
    • Thin, dark solid line
    • Extends from a point on the drawing to a point of measurement
    • Shows the starting and ending of dimension
  • What is a cutting plane line?
    • Extra thick line
    • Shows cutaway views or plane of projection
    • Indicates direction of view
  • What is a leader line used for in drafting?
    • Thin straight line
    • Comes from a dimension value or explanatory note
    • Points to an area of a drawing requiring a note for explanation
  • What is the purpose of a short break line?
    • Visible irregular curve drawn in freehand
    • Shows that an area or part of an object is shortened
  • What does a long break line represent?
    • Thin line drawn in succession with breaks
    • Shows that the object has been cut
    • Used if the drawing is too long for the drawing paper
  • What are section lines used for?
    • Show the cut surface of the section views
  • What is a phantom line used to indicate?
    • Long line followed by two short dashes
    • Shows alternate position of a moving part
  • What is the purpose of a construction line?
    • Very light and thin line
    • Used to construct layout work