booklet 6

Cards (18)

  • MENCAP= represent their service users and support them if they are liaising with other organisations.
  • Shelter= provide advice, guidance and support for people with housing problems and represent them when they liase with council officials
  • pressure group= campaign on behalf of the individual member that they represent
  • advocate= speak on individual’s behalf- usually volunteers
  • dfficulties of advocacy:
    ~ communication issues
    ~ different opinions
    ~ unprofessional perspective
  • complaints policy=ensure everyone understands how to access and use complaint procedures if they‘re unhappy with the quality of care
  • PALS= offers confidential advice support and information on health-related matters and provide a point of contact for patients.
  • whistleblowing= provide protection for staff who complain about their workplace
  • CQC= makes sure health and social care services provide people with safe effective compassionate and high quality care
    they monitor inspect and regulate services
  • role of the CQC:
    ~ register care providers
    ~ monitor + inspect + rate services
    ~ protect rights of vulnerable people
  • public health england= an executive agency and exist to protect and improve the nations health and wellbeing whilst reducing health inequalities
  • ofsted= organise inspections and regulatory visits to children services
    they report and advise on the outcome of the inspection
  • environmental health= inspects the quality of hygiene standards
  • BASW= largest professional association of registered social workers that outline practice and work to support social workers through education and resource
  • ensure accountability:
    ~ follow and familiarise with current codes of practice
    ~ ensure revalidation process
    ~ disciplinary action
  • unison= represent employment needs of members working in the health sector
  • BMA= the trade union and professional body for doctors in the UK
    represent interests and protect collective interests
  • RCN= worlds largest union
    ~ negotiate pay terms and conditions for NHS staff
    ~ offer free confidential advice and support
    ~ represent professional interests