booklet 8

Cards (20)

  • multidisciplinary team~ a group of health care workers of different disciplines who work together to provide care for a patient
  • People can develop mental health issues as a result of having physical ill health due to anxiety or depression.
  • stress can often be linked to physical and mental health
  • why people don't receive help for mental health issues:
    ~ may not believe themselves to be ill
    ~ might not want to admit they have an illness
    ~ may be frightened to seek help
  • MENCAP= a learning disability charity which aims to:
    ~ make significant improvements to attitudes
    ~ improve the quality of life for people
    ~ provide early support
  • learning disability: a reduced intellectual ability and difficulty with everyday activities which affects someone their whole life.
  • LD can effect the ability to process information and cause a person to struggle with being independent
  • the community care act 1990= increased the number of people with LD who were cared for and supported in the community
  • the disability discrimination act 1995= provided legal protection from discrimination
  • impairment= physical or mental loss of function whether permanent or temporary
  • segregation= the action or state of someone or something apart from others
  • sensory impairment= a condition where a person's sensory organs function abnormally poorly
  • disabling environment= a situation where appropriate adaptations or services are not in place to support people with impairment
  • there is a link between poverty and disability:
    ~ poverty rate for adults with disabilities is twice that of adults without disabilities
  • life stages:
    ~ infancy= 0-2 yrs ~ early adulthood= 19-45yrs
    ~ early childhood= 3-8 yrs ~ middle adulthood= 46-65 yrs
    ~ adolescence= 9-18yrs ~ later adulthood=65+ yrs
  • development of infants and young children is a journey and is influenced by physiological changes and social environment
  • EYFS= covers 7 areas of learning and development which form a holistic model that address the development of the whole child
  • every child matters (ECM)= an initiative to ensure all children have the chance to reach their full potential regardless of background
  • the 6 C's are key in health and social care
  • regulation means that immediate action can be taken where standards are not being met