Personality and Gender: Obedience (Evaluation)

Cards (6)

  • What supporting Evidence is for Alarno's theory on Authoritarian Personality effecting obedience?
    Milgram and Elms - They tested 20 disobedient and 20 obedient participants on the F-Scale. The obedient participants scored high, and reported having a tough relationship with their fathers. This shows obedience is tightly related to Authoritarianism
  • What is a competing argument to an Authoritarian Personality effecting obedience?

    Hyman and Sheatsley - Other factors may be involved, such as lower level of education
  • What evidence disproves personality effecting obedience?
    Schurz - Austrian participants were told to give painful doses of ultrasound to a female student. The scores from the obedient participants did not differ from the disobedient participants in terms of LOC
  • How can LOC be applied to the real world?

    Employment - companies may be seeking obedient workers, so they can look those who scored highly on a scale assessed LOC
  • What supporting evidence is there for Gilligan's theory on moral reasoning?

    Qualitative Research - Males and Females were interviewed on real-life dilemmas, and although they considered both the Ethic of Justice and Care; more males leaned towards an Ethic of Justice, whereas females leaned towards an Ethic of Care
  • What evidence disproves Gender effects obedience?

    Blass - he summarised the findings of 9 milgrim style studies, of which only one showed a significant difference between genders