What is the symbol for a wire in a circuit diagram?
A straight line
What does an open switch symbol represent in a circuit?
A break in the circuit that prevents current flow
What does a closed switch symbol indicate in a circuit?
A complete circuit allowing current to flow
What is the symbol for a battery in a circuit diagram?
Two or more long and short parallel lines
What does the symbol for a cell look like?
A single long and short parallel line
What is the symbol for a voltmeter?
A circle with a "V" inside
What does the symbol for an ammeter represent?
A circle with an "A" inside
What is the symbol for a motor in a circuit diagram?
A circle with the letter "M" inside
What does the lamp symbol look like in a circuit diagram?
A circle with a cross inside
What is the symbol for a fuse?
A rectangle with a line through it
What does the symbol for a resistor look like?
A zigzag line
What is the symbol for a variable resistor?
A zigzag line with an arrow across it
What does the symbol for an LDR resistor represent?
A rectangle with a line through it and a light symbol
What is the symbol for a buzzer in a circuit diagram?
A circle with a "B" inside
What does the symbol for a diode look like?
A triangle pointing to a line
What is the symbol for a Light Emitting Diode (LED)?
A triangle pointing to a line with two arrows pointing away
What is the equation for current flow?
Q = I * t
What does the current flow equation measured in?
Q is charge and it is measured in coulombs (C).
I is current and it is measured in amps (A).
t is time and it is measured in seconds (s).
When current flows, electrical work is done and energy transferred.
There are two types of current: direct and alternating. In a direct current, the flow of electrons is consistently in one direction around the circuit. In an alternating current, the direction of electron flow continually reverses.
In an electric circuit, energy can be transferred from one place to another by moving electrons around.
Electrons are negatively charged particles and they transfer energy through wires as electricity.
Charge is a property of a body which experiences a force in an electric field. Charge is measured in coulombs (C).
Current is measured using an ammeter. To measure the current through a component, the ammeter must be placed in series with that component.
A current of 28A flows into a PC. What is the charge if this took 6 seconds?
168Coulombs (C)
A current of 12A flows through a wire making a charge of 88C. What is the time taken? (Round to 3 significant figures)
59C of Charge is made in 6 seconds. What is the current? (Round to 3 significant figures)
9.83 Amps (A)
What does a resistor do?
Limits the electric current that flows through a circuit.
Resistance is measured in ohms (Ω).
What is the equation for potential difference (1 letter not words)
V = I * R
What does the equation for potential difference show?
Potential Difference = Current * Resistance
Where Potential Difference is measured in Volts (V), Current is measured in Amps (A), and Resistance is measured in Ohms (Ω)
Current is measured in amps (A).
What will the potential difference be if we have a current of 16A and a resistance of 2.2Ω?
What will the Current be if we have a Potential Difference of 66V and a Resistance of 4kΩ? (Round to 3sf)
1kΩ = 1000Ω
What will the resistance be if we have a Potential difference of 2MV and a current of 6kA? (Round to 1 decimal place.)
1MV = 10^6 V
1kA = 1000 A
333 Ω
What will be the time taken to a electrical circuit with a Charge of 2.4x10^9 C, a Potential Difference of 4.8x10^6 V and a resistance of 0.012kΩ?