Summary offences

Cards (8)

  • Summary offences are minor criminal offenses that are typically punishable by a fine, community service, or a short period of imprisonment.
  • what happens in the first hearing in a summary offence?
    The clerk of the court will check the defendant's identity, and the plea.
  • Does it matter if the defendant has legal representation for the Magistrates to consider a sentence, in summary offences?
    Whether or not the defendant has legal representation, the magistrates will consider a sentence should the defendant have plead guilty.
  • What type of hearing does the sentencing get announced in a summary offence?
    Sentencing hearing.
  • Examples of summary offences include petty theft, public intoxication, and disorderly conduct.
  • What happens during the sentencing hearing?
    Determination of punishment for a convicted defendant. It will also hear the brief facts of the offence from the prosecution and any statements that the defendant wishes to make.
  • when is attendance at court not necessary?
    In some minor driving offences
  • In a summary offfence, what happens if the defendant pleads not guilty?
    The magistrates will try and discover the issues involved and then set a date for trial.