
Cards (6)

  • what is the global water budget?
    all of the water in the hydrological cycle --> how much water is stored in different stores and flows and how long it stays there
  • what does residence time mean?
    the length of time a water molecule spends in a store on average --> some are very short e.g. just a few days in the atmosphere and others are long e.g. thousands of years in glaciers
  • water must be physically and economically accessible for humans to be able to use it e.g. groundwater is hard to access so it may not be cost effective to extract it, this means only a small amount of water can be used by humans
  • how do resistance times affect the availability of water for human use?
    water with shorter residence times tend to contain fewer pollutants, making it a better source of water for human use
    water that's not been replenished for a very long time, due to its residence time is called non-renewable water e.g. cryosphere and deep groundwater held in fossil water
  • what is fossil water?
    an ancient body of water that has been contained in an undisturbed space like an aquifer for many thousands of years
  • how have humans impacted the cryosphere?
    • climate change and global warming = snow melts quicker, revealing dark surfaces --> this causes ice to melt quicker due to the albedo (reflectivity) changing as darker surfaces absorb more solar radiation --> positive feedback
    • we lose arctic ice at a rate of almost 13% per decade due to the albedo change, alongside warming oceans