A broad approach to explain schizophrenia which considers a range of factors including biological and psychological factors
The diathesis-stress model
Interactionist approach to explaining schizophrenia. Schizophrenia is explained as a result of underlying vulnerability (diathesis) and a trigger (stress)
What is the diathesis model
A way to present an interactionist approach
Diathesis means vulnerability
Stress means a negative experience
Both are necessary for schizo to occur
Originaldiathesis stress model
Vulnerability was entirely genetic and a result of a schizogene and lead to a schizotypic personality with one characteristic being sensitive to stress
If someone did not have the schizogene then no amount of stress would lead to schizophrenia
However carries of the gene through stress such as the schizophrenogenic mother could lead to schizo
Modern diathesis stress model
Many genes appear to increase genetic vulnerability but there is no schizogene
Diathesis is not limited to genetic vulnerability but can include psychological trauma
Early trauma such as child abuse can alter brain development
The hypothalamic pituitary adrenal system can become overactive making someone more vulnerable to stress
Modern understanding of stress
Stress was seen as psychological in nature originally typically being related to parenting
Stress is now something that risk triggering schizo
Recent research has been linked to cannabis use and cannabis is a stressor that can increase schizo by up to 7 times
Cannabis affects the dopamine system but most people do not develop schizo after smoking cannabis so there may be other factors
Treatment according to interactionist approach
Acknowledges both biologicalandpsychological factors in schizo so uses biological and psychological treatments
Known to combine antipsychotics and CBT
In the UK it is standard practice to treat people diagnosed with schizo with a mixture of both
AO3Interactionist Approach: Research Support
Investigated the impact of both genetic vulnerability and a psychological trigger
The study followed 19000finnish children whose biological mother had been diagnosed with schizo
In adulthood this high genetic risk group were compared to a control group
High levels of criticism and hostility was found in the high risk group
A combination of genetic vulnerability and family stress can lead to increased schizo
AO3 Interactionist Approach: Diathesis and stress are complex
The original diathesis stress model is oversimplicity
Portraying diathesis as a schizogene and portrayed stress as schizophrenogenic parenting
Multiple gene combinations can influence diathesis with stress also coming in many forms
There are multiple factors both biological and psychological affecting diathesis and stress
AO3 Interactionist Approach: Real World Application
Practical application of acknowledging biological and psychological factors in schizo leads to a combination of drug treatments and psychological therapies
Combining treatments enhances their effectiveness
People with combination treatment have lower symptoms compared to medication only patients
Interactionist approach leads to superior treatment outcomes
AO3 Interactionist Approach: Urbanisation
Schizophrenia is more commonly diagnosed in urban than rural areas
This statistic is used to justify the interactionist position as it assumes urban living is more stressful than rural and living in the city acts as a trigger
However schizo may simply be more diagnosed in cities than rural areas