WK03 - Cell Fractionation and Ultracentrifugation

Cards (10)

  • Tissue samples are homogenised to break open cells.
  • The tissue sample should be placed into a isotonic solution to prevent osmosis and lysis.
  • The tissue sample should be placed into a buffered solution to prevent changes in pH so enzyme activity isn't affected.
  • The tissue sample should be placed into a cold solution to reduce enzyme activity so harmful enzymes cannot harm organelles.
  • Homogenisation can be done by hand or with an electric blender, but the latter will cause more damage to cell membranes.
  • Low g forces separate large particles such as mitochondria and chloroplasts.
  • Medium g forces seperate smaller particles like ribosomes and Golgi apparatus.
  • The solution is filtered to remove large debris such as the cell wall.
  • Denser organelles (e.g. nuclei) will be collected at slower speeds.
  • Sediment pellets are formed at the bottom of the homogenate.