The Qur'an was revealed to Muhammad over a period of twenty three years.
Muhammad was born in Makkah in 570CE
he was an orphan
Muhammad was a shepherd then a businessman
Muhammad was a prophet, he went to Jerusalem to pray with the other prophets
in 628CE a peace treaty was signed
Muhammad as a good person
respectful towards women
in 585CE Muhammad married the wealthy widow Khadijah
three years after Muhammad dies, the Quran is organised into a book
Muhammad was determined to succed all his life
he always focused on Allah, he was humble, honest, caring, prayed and knew Allah and knew to help when difficulties arose
Muhammad was the seal of the prophets
muslims believe there have been 124000 prophets
he allowed religious freedom, gave women rights, looked after the elderly and sick, welcomed strangers, and created rules which allowed the best outcomes for everyone