
Cards (21)

  • a prophet is a person who is sent by God to speak on his behalf
  • Muhammad is the last prophet of Islam. He was born in Mecca in 570 CE.
  • the Qur'an is the holy book of Islam and is considered to be the word of God
  • in islam, psalms is the holy book that was given to david
  • angels are 2nd class of heavenly beings, they are messengers of God, they are created by God and they are sent to earth to help humans
  • monotheistic is when 1 god is believed in, and all other gods are not believed in
  • supremacy is the belief that one person is superior to others and should rule over others
  • tawhid is the oneness of god, there is no god but allah
  • shahadah is the declaration of faith that is made by a muslim
  • an imamate is a religious leader who is chosen by God to lead a community of people
  • risalah رسالة - message, message of the prophet
  • akhirah is the afterlife
  • predestination is the belief that God has already decided who will go to heaven and who will go to hell and their life
  • beneficent means that Allah is all loving
  • immanent means God is present in the world and is involved in the world.
  • transcendent means beyond human imagination
  • resurrection is to bring someone alive from the dead
  • adalat is when you believe that Allah is always right and fair 
  • Tawhid zati (oneness of being) : god is unique there is only him
  • tawhid ibadi (oneness in worship) : god is the only being worth of worship
  • tawhid Rububiyyah (oneness of cherisher and sustainer) : there is only one creator and sustainer; god