Bones 7

Cards (11)

  • For wobbles syndrome in horses where does the defect in articular facets occur 

    Horse - C3-C5
  • For wobbler syndrome in dogs where does the defect in the articular facet occur 

    Dog - C6 to C7
  • Describe the 3 types of bone fractures
    1.impacted -one segment of bone is driven into another stick -periosteum of bone is still intact
    3.avulsion- bone fragment torn away with ligament or tendon
  • Explain the process of fracture repair 

    1.henatoma forms at the site of the fracture
    2.ischemic necrosis of the adjacent bone occurs
    3.primitive mesenchymal cells proliferate to form a layer of periosteum
    4. external and internal Callus formation occurs
    5. Callus matures
    6. Callus modeling occurs to restore the original shape and strength
  • What causes osteochondrosis
    Damage to articular epiphyseal complex cartilage blood supply during early growth is the first step
  • Second step in osteochondrosis
    Necrosis occurs because of lack of nutrients to the area
    Then as it continues to bear weight on the necrotic cartilage it eventually forms a cleft
  • Third step in osteochondrosis
    Clefts may join with articular surface to form a flap or may separate entirely from loose bodies this is called osteochondritis dissecans
  • What is common cause for osteochondrosis in young animals 

    Ischaemic damage to growing cartilage
  • Aeitology of hip dysplasia
    Genetic component -heritibility varies frin 0.2 to 0.6
    Environmental effects-overfeeding
    Indiscriminate Breeding-small country limited gene pool
    Lesions in puppies are most sever because of fast growth in first few weeks of life
  • What is hip dysplasia characterized by 

    Subluxation of hip joint due to lack of conformity between acetabulum and femoral head
  • Predisposing factors of hip dysplasia
    • Low pelvic muscle mass eg German Shepherd
    • Hypotrophy of pectineus muscle shortened muscle upward force of femoral head on dorsal rim of acetabulum