The halogens group 7

Cards (29)

    • The elements in Group 7 are known as the halogens
    • These are fluorine, chlorine, bromine, iodine and astatine
    • These elements are non-metals that are poisonous
    • The elements in Group 7 are known as the halogens
    • These are fluorine, chlorine, bromine, iodine and astatine
    • These elements are non-metals that are poisonous
    • Halogens are diatomic, meaning they form molecules made of pairs of atoms sharing electrons (forming a single covalent bond between the two halogen atoms) such as F2, Cl2, etc
    • When halogen atoms gain an electron during reactions, they form -1 ions called halide ions
    • All halogens have similar reactions as they each have seven electrons in their outermost shell
    • At room temperature, the halogens exist in different states and colours, with different characteristics
  • Fluorine
    State and appearance at room temp:
    Yellow gas
    Very reactive, poisonous gas
  • Chlorine
    State and appearance at room temp:
    Pale yellow-green gas

    Characteristics :
    reactive, poisonous and dense gas

    Colour in solution :
    pale green
  • Bromine
    State and appearance at room temp:
    Red-brown liquid

    dense red - brown volatile liquid

    Colour in solution:
  • Iodine
    State and appearance at room temp:
    grey solid

    Shimmery, crystalline solid that sublimes to form a purple Vapor

    Colour in solution:
    dark brown
    • The melting and boiling points of the halogens increase as you go down the group
    • This is due to increasing intermolecular forces as the atoms become larger, so more energy is required to overcome these forces
  • Reactivity of Group 7 non-metals decreases as you go down the group
  • However, halogen atoms form negative ions when they gain an electron to obtain a full outer shell
    • This means that the increased distance from the outer shell to the nucleus as you go down a group makes the halogens become less reactiveThe
  • Fluorine is the smallest halogen,( smallest atom because of less electron shells), which means its outermost shell is the closest to the positive nucleus of all the halogen
    • Therefore, the ability to attract an electron is strongest in fluorine making it the most reactive
    • As you move down the group, the forces of attractionbetween the nucleus and the outermost shell decreases
    • This makes it harder for the atoms to gain electrons as you descend the group
    • Therefore, the halogens are less reactive the further down the group you go
    • halogen displacement reaction occurs when a more reactive halogen displaces a less reactive halogen from an aqueous solution of its halide
  • Displacement reaction chlorine with bromine or iodine
    • If you add chlorine solution to colourless potassium bromide or potassium iodide solution a displacement reaction occurs:
    • The solution becomes orange as bromine is formed or
    • The solution becomes brown as iodine is formed
    • Chlorine will displace bromine or iodine from an aqueous solution of the metal halide
    • Chlorine will displace bromine or iodine from an aqueous solution of the metal halide
    chlorine + potassium bromide →  potassium chloride + bromine
    Cl2 + 2KBr → 2KCl + Br2

    chlorine + potassium iodide →  potassium chloride + iodine
    Cl2 + 2KI → 2KCl + I2
    • Bromine will displace iodine from an aqueous solution of the metal iodide
    bromine + potassium iodide →  potassium bromide + iodine
    Br2 + 2KI → 2KBr + I2
  • Ionic equation displacement reaction of chlorine and potassium bromide
    Cl2 + 2Br- → 2Cl- + Br2
  • Ionic equation of displacement reaction chlorine and potassium iodide
    Cl2 + 2I- → 2Cl- + I2
  • Ionic equation displacement reaction of bromine and potassium iodide
    Br2 + 2I- → 2Br- + I2
  • Metal halides
    • Chlorine, bromine and iodine react with metals and non-metals to form compounds
  • Metal halides
    • The halogens react with some metals to form ionic compoundswhich are metal halide salts
    • The rate of reaction is slower for halogens which are further down the group such as bromine and iodine
  • Nonmetal halides
    • The halogens react with non-metals to form simple molecular covalent structures
    • For example, the halogens react with hydrogen to form hydrogen halides (e.g., hydrogen chloride)
    • Reactivity decreases down the group, so iodine reacts less vigorously with hydrogen than chlorine (which requires light or a high temperature to react with hydrogen)
    • Fluorine is the most reactive (reacting with hydrogen at low temperatures in the absence of light)