An aim states the overall intention of the research.
Hypotheses are precise statements or predictions about what the researcher expects to find.
An experimental hypothesis is used for research using experimental methods like lab or field experiments.
An alternative hypothesis is used for non-experimental research methods like correlations or observations.
A directional hypothesis makes a prediction in one direction only - states one group will performsignificantly better than the other.
A non-directional hypothesis makes a prediction in one of two directions - it is unsure which of the two groups will perform better.
A null hypothesis is a prediction about the findings that is tested statistically for significance - states there will be no significant difference between the groups.
Probability and chance are used to determine the likelihood of an event happening by random occurrence. Psychology uses a probability level of 5%.
The null hypothesis states that any differences found in the research are due to chance.
Operationalisation is the process of defining variables and hypotheses precisely to make them measurable. This is stating the exact units/ description of the IV and DV.
Independent variable (IV) is the variable manipulated by the researcher.
Dependent variable (DV) is what is measured as a result of the manipulation of the independent variable (IV).
Internal validity refers to the extent to which the findings are due to the manipulation of the IV rather than other factors, affecting the outcome of the results.
Directional hypothesis (one-tailed) predicts a difference in one direction, while non-directional hypothesis predicts a difference in one of two directions (two-tailed).
The aim of a research investigation is the reason for conducting the study. General purpose, not a prediction.
The null hypothesis predicts that the findings are due to chance rather than changes in the independent variable (IV).
Operationalisation is the process of avoiding ambiguity and maintaining internal validity by making variables and hypotheses clear and measurable.
All research must have an aim.
The aim is s statement about what the researcher wants to investigate.
It is usually kept quite broad and is written using the format:
'The aim of the research is to investigate...'
The thing (variable) the experimenter manipulates or changes is known as the independent variable.
The thing(variable) the experimenter measures the effect of(the results) is known as the dependent variable.
Experimental method is unique in that it is the only research method in psychology that tests cause and effect.
To ensure the cause and effect is established it is important that we identify exactly how the IV and the DV will be measured.
Known as operationalising the variables.
Enables other psychologists to replicate your research and is essential in establishing reliability.
An example of operationalising is:
Babies will show a preference for different types of patterns.
Operationalised IV- Stripey, Plaid and Spotty Patterns
Operationalised DV- The amount of time spent touching the spotty, plaid or stripey patterns.
Hypotheses are statements about the prediction of the results.
There are some general rules when formulating them.
Typically these are:
are written in the future tense
include both conditions of the IV.
include the DV.
Four hypotheses are:
Null Hypotheses
Alternative Hypotheses
One tailed (Directional) Hypotheses
Two Tailed(Non-Directional) Hypotheses
Null hypotheses:
These predict that no difference will be found in the results between the conditions.
Typically, these are written as 'There will be no difference...'
Alternative Hypotheses:
These predict that there will be significant difference in the results between two conditions.
Directional and non-directional hypotheses are the options for an alternative hypothesis.
One Tailed Hypotheses:
These state the specific direction the researcher expects the results to move in, e.g. higher, lower, more, less.
Two Tailed Hypotheses:
These state that a difference will be found between the conditions of the IV but do not state which direction the difference will be in.
All research has an alternative hypothesis( either one tailed or two tailed) and a corresponding null hypothesis.
For example,
Boys will show more physical aggression than girls.
Alternative one tailed.
There will be no difference in the physical aggression shown by boys and girls.