BSRI evaluation

Cards (4)

  • a large sample and 100 judges used identify traits. however the sample may not be representative of different age ranges since students are usually in a younger age range
  • there could be issues with the validity of the test. the link between psychological health and androgyny may have more to do with self-esteem.
    most of the adjectives used in the BSRI are socially desirable. the respondent may select those terms based on their self-esteem rather than androgyny. this reduces validity of the results
  • as the BSRI is a self-reported method, it may lack validity
    LIBERMANN and Gaa found that respondents who were classified as androgynous were more likely to select the responses at the higher end of the likert scales. this wouldn't reflect accurate androgyny but highlight a problem with measurement
  • reducing androgyny, masculinity or femininity down to single scores is over simplistic.
    contemporary approaches to measuring androgyny attempt to measure behaviour, interest and abilties rather than simply personality characteristics.