Plants and photosynthesis

Cards (45)

  • Root hair cells absorb water and mineral ions from the soil
  • upper epidermis (waxy cuticle) - reduces water loss and allows light through
  • palisade cell layer (mesophyll) - top of leaf, lots of chloroplast, more photosynthesis
  • spongy cell layer (mesophyll) - air spaces which allow diffusion of gas
  • xylem of vascular bundle (vein) - transports water
  • phloem of vascular bundle (vein) - transports glucose and nutrients - phood
  • stomata (stoma or pore) - reduces water loss
  • guard cells - open and close stomata (closes at night, open during the day)
  • lower epidermis (cuticle) - has waxy cuticle
  • The upper epidermis of a leaf contains a waxy cuticle that reduces water loss and allows light to pass through.
  • the xylem is the main supporting tissue in plants and is distributed differently in stems and roots
  • in stems the xylem is found as distint oval patches arranged in a circle
  • in roots the xylem is found at the centre
  • the xylem transports water using transpiration and has a thickened wall (dead)
  • the phloem uses translocation to transport nutrients and glucose
  • the guard cells open and close the stomata
  • the stomata provide an entry and exit point for gases such as oxygen and carbon dioxide - water has the tendency to evaporate out of the stomata when they are open, espicially on a hot day - this process is known as transpiration
  • A transpiration stream is the flow of water up xylem tubes, due to the loss of water by transpiration through the leaves
  • abiotic factor = non - living
  • factors affecting transpiration
    • light intensity - increased light intensity opens stomatas to allow co2 into plant, wider stomata = faster transpiration
    • temperature - hotter temp = molecules have more energy which means water molecules will evaporate faster
    • humidity - drier air = steeper concentration gradient, water will move out quicker
    • air movement - faster air movement = water vapour removed quicker, steeper concentration gradient of water vapour between the inside + outside of the leaf
  • xylem is made out of dead cells
  • the wall of xylem is strengthened with lignin
  • carbon dioxide + water = glucose + oxygen
  • 6CO2 + 6H2OC6H12O6 + 6O2
  • light provides energy
  • chlorophyll absorbs light
  • photosynthesis is an endothermic reaction because it takes in heat
  • plants use light energy in photosynthesis
  • turgid means the guard cell is swollen with water
  • stomata become flaccid due to water leaving
  • uses of glucose
    • respiration - releases energy for life processes
    • starch - storage - glucose is stored by joining molecules together in a polymer; the starch is broken back down when the plant needs it
    • fat/oil - long time storage - can be converted into lipids + stored in seeds; the fat is broken back down into glucose when the plant needs it
  • uses of glucose
    • transport - glucose converts into sucrose to be carried around the plant in the phloem
    • protein - growth and enzymes - glucose is combined with nitrate mineral ions (absorbed from soil through root hairs) to make amino acids; amino acids make proteins for growth/enzymes
    • cellulose - structure - cell walls; glucose is used to make cellulose which gives shape/support to the plant
  • the plant material made by growth is known as biomass
  • biomass is useful to us because it can be used for food, fuel, building materials, drugs and fibres
  • plants obtain nitrate by absorbing it from soil through root hairs, into the xylem
  • nitrate is needed by plants because glucose + nitrate = amino acids = proteins (for enzymes/growth)
  • if a plant was deficient in nitrate, it would have stunted growth and the leaves would go yellow
  • the test for starch is iodine - a positive result is blue/black, a negative one is brown
  • glucose test: benedicts + heat - positive test is brick red
  • protein test = biuret test - postive test = purple