2. reichstag fire [27th february 1933] --> set fire by Marius Van der Lubbe, a communist, therefore communists are blamed, and through hateful propaganda, made the bad ones.
3. emergency decree for protection of people and state --> arrest of communists, nazis can arrest people without warning and put them into 'protective custody'
hitler eliminated communist threat --> communists are blames for the Fire and are unpopular. the people felt they needed hitler to protect them from communists. --> 1933.
3. enabling act [march 23rd 1933] --> hitler can rule without the involvement of the reichstag.
4. trade unions abolished [1st may 1933] --> has control over the workers too.
5. concordat with the Pope [20th june 1933] --> removed threat of opposition from the catholic church
the night of long knives [june 30th 1934] --> hitler kills his opponents who could have been threats to him. he killed SA leaders, including rohm, and anyone else that opposed him. he didnt want any more competition.
6. the night of the long knives [30th june 934] --> eliminated opposition in his own party. kill Ernst Rohm, 400 SA officers, Von Kahr [opposition in munich putsch] and general von scheicher. this proves he's ruthless. SS replace the SA --> they are loyal to hitler. army was happy that the SA are now weak and cannot replace them.
7. Hindenburg's death [august 2nd 1934] --> hitler declares himself fuhrer and chancellor.
makes the army swear an oath of loyalty to hitler.
14th july 1933 --> any other political parties are banned. germany is now a one-party state.
april1933 --> one day boycott of jewish owned shops.
5th march 1933 --> election in which only 44% voted for hitler, the nazis won 288 seats, but was not a majority.