minority influence

Cards (15)

  • What is the definition of minority influence?

    a form of social influence where people reject the established norm of the majority of the group members and move to the position of the minority
    • occurs through conversion
  • What is the definition of conversion?

    process of changing something into a different form or state
    • leads to internalisation
    • true/strong conformity but takes time
  • What are the differences between minority and majority influence?

    majority - quicker
    - could be temporary
    - ISI + NSI
    - small group size
    minority - gradual
    - long-lasting
    - ISI
    - large group size
  • What is the definition of the snowball effect?

    the viewpoint of the minority slowly becomes the viewpoint of the majority as more and more people conform
    • minority group gains - status/power/acceptability
  • What are the factors that impact minority influence?

    • Behavioural style - Consistency
    • Style of thinking
    • Flexibility / Compromise
    • Identification
  • Why is consistency important in minority influence?

    • the majority will reflect on their views
    • gives impression believe is right
    • creates uncertainty in majorities views
  • Who investigated the impact of consistency on minority influence?
    Moscovici - 1969
  • What are the forms of consistency?

    Diachronic - consistency over time
    Synchronic - consistency between its members
  • What are the different styles of thinking?
    Superficial thought/processing - dismissing the views of others without much thought = less influence
    Systematic thought/processing - reflecting deeply into the views of other = more influence as causes them to question if there is another way
  • Why is being seen as flexible and willing to compromise important for minority influence?

    Seem less extreme and more reasonable so the majority do not dismiss views due to unconventional methods
    • Nemeth (1986) - consistent minority argued and refused to change = no effect on majority
  • Why is identification important as a factor that affects minority influence?

    People identify with people similar to themselves - age/race/gender/status
    Identify with minority = more influence due to NSI of similar charcteristic
  • What are the advantages of minority influence?

    • Gradual - less disruptive on social + causes less harm and conflict
    • Strong / Long lasting - Internalisation
    • New ideas can be tested - e.g, Greenpeace
  • What are the disadvantages of minority influence?

    • Due to personality or leader/group - e.g, charismatic leader = idolised
    • Research to support is artificial - Moscovici + Nemeth - low stake tasks with no personal consequence (low mundane realism)
    • Slowly occurring - not one experimental task but years
  • What is the definition of social cryptomnesia?

    origins of social change become forgotten or obscured over time
    • forgetting/downplaying the role of minority groups
  • What is the definition of the augmentation principle?

    placing yourself at risk or inconvenience to bring more attention to a cause