Margaret Newman

Cards (6)

  • health as expanding consciousness
    margaret newman
    • is the "pattern of the whole" of a person and includes disease as a manifestation of the pattern of the whole, based on the premise that life is an ongoing process of expanding consciousness (Newman, 1986).
    • is both the informational capacity of the system and the ability of the system to interact ​​with its environment (Newman, 1994).
    • is information that depicts the whole and understanding of the meaning of all of the relationships at once (M. Newman, personal communication, 2004).
    • Characterized by movement, diversity, and rhythm and is described as a “design, or framework as seen in person-environment interactions”
    • the “insight or recognition of a principle, realization of a truth, or reconciliation of a duality” and is “key to the process evolving to a higher level of consciousness”
    pattern recognition
  • Three correlates of consciousness
    movement space time