"I told..if she didn’t want...let me take her out of there."

Cards (4)

  • Analysis
    Gerald’s calculated "rescue" of Eva reflects Machiavellian manipulation, a trait of the Dark Triad. Presenting himself as a “fairy prince”, Gerald exploits her vulnerability, aligning with Machiavelli’s The Prince, where appearances of virtue are used to secure power. His charm masks his true intent: control and dominance.
  • Alternative interpretation
    Gerald’s actions may appear altruistic, but they serve his self-interest. By playing the “fairy prince”, he secures her admiration, echoing Machiavelli’s belief in controlling through appearances, while his intervention entrenches his dominance.
  • Themes
    Power and ExploitationGerald exploits Eva under the guise of protection.
    Gender Imbalance: Eva’s idealisation of Gerald highlights societal conditioning of women to depend on male authority.
    Moral Hypocrisy: Gerald rationalizes his actions to avoid guilt.
  • Writers intent
    Priestley critiques patriarchal and capitalist exploitation by linking Gerald to Machiavellian manipulation. Eva’s view of him as a “fairy prince” tragically reflects societal pressures on women to romanticize their subjugation, emphasizing systemic inequality.