purpose of sex

Cards (8)

  • celibacy
    when someone abstains from marriage + sexual relationships , usually for religious reasons
  • contraception
    methods use to prevent a woman becoming pregnant, condoms
  • procreation
    producing children
  • responsibilies
    actions or duties someone is expected to carry out , procreation
  • vinaya
    monastic rules followed by the members of the sangha
  • christian views
    sex should be between a man + woman
    sex forms an important bond between a man + a woman
    liberal christians accept same-sex
    protestants: not only procreation
    God created sex as something valuable
    "two shall become one flesh" , "so they are no longer two , but one flesh"
    Catholics : procreation - most important purpose
    "Be fruitful and multiply"
  • buddhist views
    guided by the 3rd moral precept (abstain from sexual immorality)
    lay buddhists do not have strict rules on sex
    monks + nuns would follow the rules of the vinaya - renouncing sex to live a celibate life
  • buddhist soas
    • nirvana
    • 1st moral precept - abstain from harming sentient beings
    • metta