
Cards (10)

  • artifical contraception
    any medical product/procedure that aims to prevent pregnancy
  • emergency contraception
    forms of contraception which are used shortly after sex to prevent pregnancy
  • natural contraception
    methods of contraception which do not rely on medical products/ procedures
  • sources of authoriy
    "be fruitful + multiply"- nature + purpose
    "let him who is without sin cast the first stone"- nature + purpose / samesex/contraception
    "do not commit adultery" - nature + purpose
    "do not lie w a man , as with a woman , that is detestable"
    "it would be better for you to remain as i am" - unmarried
    "control your bodies" - same-sex , contraception ,n+p
  • 5 primary precepts (POWER)
    • Preserve life + protect the innocent
    • Live in an orderly society
    • to worship God
    • To educate children , and acquire knowledge
    • To reproduce
  • catholic views
    • disagree as it goes against the primary precept to reproduce
    • may interpret the natural law differenly that the responsible use of contraception fits w the precept to preserve life
  • catholics
    perform natural contraception where they have sex when the woman is less fertile .
  • protestant views
    • not opposed to artifical contraception as there is nothing in the Bible that directly forbids contraception.
    • believe they should be able to plan the size of their family w/o having to stop sex.
  • most christians
    • opposed to emergency contraception
    • method is used after sex - has the potential to lead to an embryo being destroyed
    • many christians believe that life begins at fertilization
    • "thou shalt not kill"
  • buddhists
    • based on 1st moral precept - not harming sentient beings
    • view contraception as being acceptable if prevents conception
    • unacceptable if : works by destroying the development of a fertilized egg
    • refers to 3rd moral precept - sexual misconduct
    • may interpret this to mean Buddhists seeking enlightenment should not use birth control to pursue sexual pleasure.