Cards (9)

  • What are some less obvious methods to create barriers to trade besides tariffs, quotas, and subsidies?
    Health and safety regulations, product specifications, environmental regulations, and product labeling
  • How did the EU's 2017 health regulation regarding aflatoxins affect trade?
    It effectively blocked the import of southern hemisphere nuts
  • What specific health regulation was implemented by the EU in 2017?
    A regulation regarding the permitted level of aflatoxins in nuts
  • Why did Canada specify a certain size of jar for imported jam?
    Many countries do not usually manufacture jars in the required size
  • What was the purpose of the new regulations in the EU and USA in November 2021?
    To limit the amount of imports of 'dirty steel'
  • What is 'dirty steel' primarily produced from?
    Coal-fired power stations
  • Which country predominantly produces 'dirty steel'?
  • How can product labeling affect firms' market decisions?
    It can be expensive and may limit their desire to sell into certain markets
  • What are the various strategies to create barriers to trade?
    • Health and safety regulations
    • Product specifications
    • Environmental regulations
    • Product labeling