Cards (9)

  • What is trade diversion?
    Trade diversion is when consumption shifts from a lower cost producer to a higher cost producer.
  • How does trade diversion occur?
    It occurs when consumption shifts from a lower cost producer outside the trading bloc to a higher cost producer within it.
  • Can you provide an example of trade diversion?
    • The UK switching from buying New Zealand butter (the cheapest)
    • To European butter after joining the EU
  • What is the impact of the UK switching from New Zealand butter to European butter?
    The impact is a shift from a lower cost producer to a higher cost producer due to trade diversion.
  • What is more likely to occur when a trading bloc has a very high external tariff?
    Trade diversion is more likely to occur
  • What effect does a small cost difference between goods purchased within and outside a trading bloc have?
    It increases the likelihood of trade diversion
  • How do higher tariffs imposed by a country before joining a market affect trade creation and diversion?
    Higher tariffs increase the likelihood of trade creation
  • What happens if joining a Free Trade Agreement (FTA) leads to more trade creation than diversion?
    • It is welfare improving
  • What is the outcome if joining a Free Trade Agreement (FTA) leads to more trade diversion than creation?
    • The FTA is reducing welfare