small , but very fast memory location that provides fast access to frequently used instructions , it speeds up performance as its faster than RAM and located close by
each core executes an instruction , so completes a fde cycle . adding more cores allows parallel processing so instructions can be executed simultaneously
some systems dont allow a multi core processor so it has no use , and if a bottleneck occurs in one core then rest of the executions have to wait so performance may not be any better
a portion of a secondary storage (HDD) medium functioning as additional RAM, and it holds instructions that aren't currently in use to free up more space in ram
computer is built using switches and transistors that can either be on or off, this fits the binary number system which only has two digits (1/0), this means all data must be converted to binary before a computer can understand and process it
Error that results when the number of bits assigned to a calculation has exceeded the allocated slot , as it is too big - can lead to loss of data and accuracy
A list of the characters and the unique binary codes used to represent each one , they are logically ordered and are vital for computers to process and communicate characters
a code for representing English characters as numbers, with each letter assigned a number from 0 to 127, it uses 7 bits and uses basic characters for english , so not many other languages