theory p1

Cards (151)

  • purpose of CPU
    To process data and instructions, and to fetch and execute instructions. take an input process it and produce an output
  • fetch
    fetch the information from RAM and bring info back to the cpu
  • decode
    check the information and decide what has to be performed and decodes it by alu
  • execute
    instruction is executed
  • ALU
    performs arithmetic and logic functions in the CPU
  • CU
    sends out control signals to coordinate data and also decodes instructions and runs fe cycle
  • cache
    small , but very fast memory location that provides fast access to frequently used instructions , it speeds up performance as its faster than RAM and located close by
  • registers
    storage locations that temporarily hold data and instructions, MDR , MAR , PC , ACC
  • pc
    Holds the memory address of the next instructions to be fetched from memory , Increments by 1 as the fetch-decode-execute cycle runs
  • MAR
    Holds the memory address of where data or instructions are to be fetched from, or address of where data is to be stored
  • MDR
    Stores the data or instruction which has been fetched from memory or to be sent to memory
  • accumulator
    Stores the results of any calculations that have taken place in the ALU
  • clock speed
    number of cycles per second , a faster clock speed means more fde cycles are done at a time so more instructions are executed .
  • GhZ
  • cores
    each core executes an instruction , so completes a fde cycle . adding more cores allows parallel processing so instructions can be executed simultaneously
  • drawbacks of cores
    some systems dont allow a multi core processor so it has no use , and if a bottleneck occurs in one core then rest of the executions have to wait so performance may not be any better
  • embedded systems
    Special-purpose software built into a computer system that has limited function eg camera , fridge , washing machine
  • characteristics of embedded systems
    - Low power so they can operate effectively from a small power source.
    - low cost, making them suitable for use in mass produced,
    - Dedicated software to complete a single task or limited range of tasks
  • RAM characteristics

    holds applications and programs that are currently in use and tends to be quicker than secondary storage
    volatile , read and write
  • ROM characteristics

    used to hold BIOS and not deleted when computer turns off
    only read , non-volatile
  • need for primary storage
    Much faster than secondary storage and holds data and instructions needed by the CPU, whilst the computer is running.
  • virtual memory
    a portion of a secondary storage (HDD) medium functioning as additional RAM, and it holds instructions that aren't currently in use to free up more space in ram
  • drawbacks of RAM
    it can slow down the system as process of swapping data is time consuming
  • why have secondary storage
    to store files and access them when power is off , they have a high storage and also tend to be cheaper
  • optical storage
    uses light properties to read data from disk and do this by using moving parts
    -small capacity , small and easily moved so portable
    -not robust , easily scratched
    -small cost per Gb
    -slow access time
  • magnetic HDD
    read with a moving head inside disk
    -high capacity
    -low cost , but also moving parts can get damaged so also not very portable
    -moderate access
    -make noise so
  • SSD
    -portable , and its smaller and also more robust as no moving parts
    -large capacity however it is more expensive( can be reused though)
    -faster access speeds
  • why must data be in binary format
    computer is built using switches and transistors that can either be on or off, this fits the binary number system which only has two digits (1/0), this means all data must be converted to binary before a computer can understand and process it
  • binary
    The binary number system is base 2, using only bits 0 and 1,
  • binary to denary and vice versa

    write out binary headings
  • binary addition
    1+0=1 1+1=10 1+1+1=11
  • overflow error
    Error that results when the number of bits assigned to a calculation has exceeded the allocated slot , as it is too big - can lead to loss of data and accuracy
  • denary and hexadecimal
    base 16 - better for large values , fewer digits to represent , easier to read , less prone to errors
  • binary shifts and their effects

    Left shift multiplies the number by 2; right shift halves the number by power of 2 . they can cause a loss of precision
  • character set
    A list of the characters and the unique binary codes used to represent each one , they are logically ordered and are vital for computers to process and communicate characters
  • character set and number of bits
    different sets have different amounts of characters , more characters means more bits needed
    a code for representing English characters as numbers, with each letter assigned a number from 0 to 127, it uses 7 bits and uses basic characters for english , so not many other languages
  • extended ASCII
    an 8-bit character set consisting of 256 characters , it allows for more symbols
    Uses a 16-bit representation for characters. and allows for many more languages to be represented , however is requires lots more storage i
  • images
    made up of small pixels and each pixel has its own binary code that are unique to its colour