Biotechnology is an integrated branch of biology which deals with the techniques of using living organisms and enzymes to make products and processes useful to humans
Importance of GM plants
Tolerance to abiotic stresses
Reduced dependence on chemical fertilizers
Decline post-harvest losses
Increased mineral uptake efficiency
Enhanced nutritional value
bio pesticides
an application of biotechnology in agriculture is the production of pest-resistant plants which could decrease the amount of pesticides being used
green revolution
the application of genetic engineering with crop based agriculture gave rise to a successful series of research, development, and technology transfer.
The plants , bacteria, fungi and animals whose genes have been altered by manipulation are called Genetically Modified Organisms
the vaccines produced through genetic engineering methods are called recombinant vaccines or second generation vaccines
stem cells are the biological cells that are capable not only of renewing themselves via mitosis, but also of differentiating into specialized cells
embryonic stem cells are isolated from the inner cell mass of blastocysts and the undifferentiated cells of embryo of 5-6 months
Adult stem cells exist throughout the body after embryonic development and are found inside different tissues, like brain
applications of stem cell technology
treatment of diabetes
treatment of leukemia
treatment of cardiac tissue damage
treatment of alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s and genetic diseases like cystic fibrosis
organ repair and replacement
gene therapy
It is a collection of methods which allows correction of a gene defect that has been diagnosed in a child or embryo
recombinant DNA technology
it is a modern molecular diagnostic technique that is carried out in steps
Enzyme Linked Immune Sorbent Assay
this diagnostic method relies upon the principle of antigen-antibody interaction
ELISA - EnzymesLinkedImmuno-Sorbent Assay
animals that have had their DNA manipulated to possess and express an extra gene are known as transgenic animals
Several benefits of transgenic animals:
Normal physiology and development
Study of disease
Biological products
Vaccine safety
Chemical safety testing
It is a set of exclusive rights granted by a government to the inventors or their assignee to prevent others from commercial use of their invention
the theft of genetic resources that are indingenous to a country
C-peptide is not present in mature insulin, as it is removed during its maturation
insulin is made me up of 51amino acids, arranged in two short polypeptide chains: chain A with 21 amino acids and chain B with 30 amino acids, that are linked together by disulphide bridges
chain A and B were produced separated, extracted and combined by creating disulphide bonds to form human insulin which is called as humulin
Insulin made from the pancreas of slaughtered pigs and cows caused allergic reactions
RNAi is the phenomenon of inhibiting activity of gene by synthesis of RNA molecules complementary to the mRNA
Rosie is the name of the first transgenic cow
The recombinant DNA technological processes have made immense impact in the area of healthcare by enabling mass production of safe and more effective therapeutic drugs
Genetic modifications has made crops more tolerant to abiotic stresses, reduced reliance on chemical pesticides, helped to reduce post harvest losses, increased efficiency of mineral usage by plants, enhanced nutritional value of food
Bacillus thuringiensis produces proteins that kills lepidopterans, Coleoptera and Dipterans
lepidopterans- tobacco budworm, armyworm
coleopterans- beetles
dipterans - flies, mosquitoes
the vector used to introduce new genes into plant cells is most often a plasmid from soil bacterium Agrobacterium tumefaciens
since the plasmid possesses genes that transfer the DNA from plasmid and gets integrated into host it is called natural genetic engineer
The process of producing somatic hybrids is called somatic hybridisation
somatic hybrid is a hybrid cell formed by the fusion of somatic cells of two varieties or species
Pomato is a somatic hybrid between potato and tomato
Bomato is a somatic hybrid between brinjal and tomato
PCR is used to detect HIV in suspected AIDS patients
The only successful transfection technique in cattle is micro injection of fertilised ovaries, which may either be recovered surgically or may be obtained from ovaries extracted from slaughtered cows and cultured in vitro